Try These 3 Yoga Poses for Seasonal Allergy Relief

by Team Yogahood

Are your seasonal allergies acting up? These yoga poses will help you conquer that foggy head and constant sniffles.

eco-friendly tips, Walking Outside, Outdoors, Fall, Leaves


If you suffer from seasonal allergies and are looking for relief on you mat, Gwen Lawrence, founder of Yoga for Sports in New York City, has three suggestions for your next sequence.

1. Try Fish Pose

This gentle inversion opens your throat and lungs.

Rina Jakubowicz Matsyasana

2. Try Supported Shoulderstand

This pose opens your nasal passages and improves drainage.

Two Fit Moms perform Shoulderstand.

3. Try Pranayama

Yogic breathwork helps increase lung capacity and gives your overworked immune system a rest.

janet stone, Easy Pose, sukhasana
Approach the practice of all bandhas and body mudras cautiously, especially without the direct guidance of an experienced teacher.

This article was first published in the print edition of Yoga Journal Singapore, which is now Yogahood Online.