Kundalini 101: What Is the Aquarian Age, Anyway?

by Team Yogahood

It’s more than a chart-topping song. Find out what the current astrological era means for you.

Are you ready to discover your life’s purpose and activate your fullest potential? Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice that helps you channel powerful energy and transform your life. And now there is an accessible, easy way to learn how to incorporate these practices into your practice and life.

Topping the Billboard charts in 1969, Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In, the iconic opening tune from the 1967 musical Hair, heralded the arrival of the Age of Aquarius and introduced audiences to the concept of a new astrological era. This new age delivered strong energy shifts, but what, exactly, does it mean? You might be surprised to discover that Kundalini Yoga offers valuable insights.

Around the same time, in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, Yogi Bhajan—who brought Kundalini Yoga to the West—began speaking about the Age of Aquarius and said that the the transition to the new era would begin in November 1991 and end on November 11, 2011. Then humankind would remain in the Aquarian Age for roughly 2,000 years. He predicted this transition would create a world beyond our imagination, expectations, and understanding. It would mean leaving behind the rigidity of the Piscean Age so we could begin living with greater awareness and sensitivity.

The Misguided Facade of the Past: The Piscean Age

In the previous era, mental intellect and information equalled power. The Piscean Age was ruled by competition, masks, and ambition. For so long, humanity was mesmerized by status instead of character. People endeavored to create an impression. They worked under the zero-sum paradigm that one person’s gain meant another person’s loss. Also, in this age, people were told what to believe and whom to follow.

The Aquarian Age ushered in dramatically different principles. Where we reside now, we are learning to trust and love ourselves. Loving ourselves creates unconditional love for others. After all, it was Yogi Bhajan who said, “The other person is you.”

Many people are tapping into an inner voice telling them to shine their own truths into the world. We are called to be a guiding force for change. We are called to value wisdom over intellect, love over fear, and connectivity over separation. In order to create change, we need to come together as one.

Whereas in the Piscean Age people observed and followed others, now in the Aquarian Age we observe our own consciousness and follow it religiously. We are here to live life and use our words and actions as our personal consciousness dictates.

Where Yoga Comes In

Kundalini Yoga helps us connect to our inner light, which becomes the guiding beacon for our lives. In the Aquarian Age, identity connects the mind, body, and soul. In order to be an integrated being, we must aim to live a life that merges outer words and actions with innermost values. Kundalini Yoga dissolves the energy blocks, like fear and trepidation. Free of these, we can step into alignment with our own consciousness. This is where true oneness exists.

The old paradigm of lying and hiding is not working anymore. The old way was to do it for you. The new way is to do it for all. It is time to accept our truth and step into our fullest potential.

There has never been a time like this. Are you ready?

Karena Virginia has 20 years of experience as a powerful healer and highly acclaimed yoga instructor. Based in the New York City area, she conducts workshops in the United States and Europe and is a pioneer in bringing positive change to the world through fierce love. 

This article was first published in the print edition of  Yoga Journal Singapore, which is now Yogahood Online.