Balance, Health & Harmony
“As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm, states the Upanishads, the ancient Hindu philosophical texts, illuminating that whatever is around us is a reflection of what is inside us. About 2,600 years ago, the father of yoga, sage Patanjali, explained in his seminal work, The Yoga Sutras, that most of our problems arise out of the wayward senses and incessant tribulations of the mind. What the Upanishads and the Yoga Sutras state are ancient truths that will help us heal our planet—because if we look around, we see a picture of planetary imbalance and disharmony that includes severe environmental threats such as global warming, shrinking ice caps, unending deforestation and rising ocean levels.
We appear to be racing to eradicate green from the only planet we have, forgetting that green is the color of balance, health and harmony. Can we heal? Can we ‘go green’? In its truest sense, ‘going green’ means we live every moment knowing we are all part of one living, breathing organism called the Uni-verse (the one-song), an ecosystem where everything is connected and interdependent. Going green is about aligning ourselves with the ecosystem, and this begins with our thinking. How we think is the start to the mind-set we develop, the beliefs we inculcate, and the action we take. If the mind is not trained, it will focus on what we don’t have, and convince us that what we have is never enough. Going green means we accept that everything we do affects everything else; it means we think of long term results rather than short term gratification. It means we accept the planetary disharmony we have created and take responsibility for the healing we wish to bring about.
Meditation and yoga are two key paths that help develop a healthy mind and body. They create an individual who is at peace within, and thus at peace with the world. Such an individual is not destructive to the balance of the universe, but rather aids in its realignment. Realignment begins with a realization that the planet has a silent, unspoken system that maintains perfect harmony and balance.
History has repeatedly shown that the earth always re-balances itself when pushed out of harmony. Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and hurricanes are just some of the effective tools that the earth has at its disposal to recreate harmony, albeit at a very high cost
How to do better ?
1) Accept full ownership for the past
Let us stop blaming external factors and accept that it is our own short-sightedness that is the root cause of the earth’s imbalance. Let’s accept that we have ended up putting our own gratification above the health of the earth. Let us identify and take ownership, while committing to prevent its future recurrence.
2) Accept total responsibility for the future
Let us not wait for the other person or the other nation to make the world better. Let’s adopt a new mind-set and begin to respect the role played by all parts of our ecosystem— the oceans, trees, animals, atmosphere and everything else. Let’s create a vision of a healthy and flourishing planet, and get a global buy-in to work towards that dream.
3) Take action
Let us take constant corrective actions individually, and not give up until the goal is reached. Let’s do what each one of us can do. The time for short-term measures is long gone, and we require an effective and practical daily strategy to guide us. What has been done by us must be undone by us.
Where do I Begin?
Just begin with one positive change in your lifestyle today. It can be as simple as using recycled bags or refusing to purchase over packaged products. You could use public transport instead of driving to work. You could switch off all appliances when not using them. You could recycle paper. You could take a shower instead of a long bath. Choose one thing and stick to it.
Let’s all do our bit, no matter how small. We can change the world, but not before we change ourselves. We heal our planet one person at a time, a single action at a time. And this new world begins in our thoughts before it becomes real in the external world. The color green is associated with the heart chakra, which symbolizes balance, growth and love, and is responsible for keeping you alive. Keep your heart involved when you meditate, and gradual healing of the world will follow. After all, we need the earth, the earth doesn’t need us
Written by Vikas Malkani
This article was first published in the print edition of Yoga Journal Singapore,which is now Yogahood Online.