The Art of Sequencing

We give you the building blocks for a well-rounded sequence so you have the flexibility to create a home practice that meets your needs. Written by Jason Crandall ,Illustration by Mckibillo We’ve all attended classes that elevate our practice. When the class comes to a close, we walk away empowered, energized, centered. ...

Strong Arms & Strong Core

In yoga, we can benefit from arm and core strength beyond the aesthetic appeal of a slimmer waistline or toned arms. Here's a sequence by international yoga teacher Laura Burkhart that will give you a strong core and great posture. By Laura Burkhart Photos by Samuel Henderson We need arm stability and strength ...

Asanas for Athletes

Nine yoga poses to help you heal - or avoid - three of the most common sports injuries. Whether you are a distant runner who pounds the pavement daily or a weekend warrior who charges hard just two days per week, chances are good you’ve suffered some sort of sports-related injury. ...

Padmasana (Lotus pose)

Padmasana, or Lotus pose, helps to maintain proper posture and spinal alignment, which facilitate the deep breathing necessary to obtain a meditative state. The pose holds the alluring potential to awaken the dormant energy known as Kundalini at the base of  the spine and move that energy up the chakra ...

The doctor will Om with you now

In a small workout room with a handful of other Navy veterans, David Rachford looked out the window to watch the fringed leaves of a tall royal palm tree wave softly in the warm Southern California breeze. The soothing view eased the challenging exercise routine he was trying for the ...

Ayurveda Massage

Rituals and Remedies Balance your energy,boost your health and savour the benefits of introducing a natural selection of traditional Ayurvedic routines into your lifestyle If waking up is a struggle, midday finds you crashing, and you’re restless and alert at bedtime, it may be time to reset your clock. According to Ayurveda, ...

Live, Love, Laugh with Yoga Buddies

All too often these days, contact with others is taking place over text, video calls , or email—not face-to-face. It’s a dramatic shift from the way things were just a few decades ago. Written by Kavita Chandran Digital communication has, for many, become a default mode, while hanging out in the real ...

How can I prevent low-back pain in twists?

All too often  when we move into a yoga pose, we prioritize getting the shape right over creating that shape safely. Twists are a prime example of this. Think about the last time you did Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved Chair Pose). Did you move into the posture with the primary goal ...

Altogether Now

You’ve learned the basics. Now, how do you turn them into a practice? Here’s one way to do it: an all-purpose routine for everyone. Start with three to six rounds of Sun Salutations, starting slow, then building up heat and speed. Let your breath be your guide as you move—you can ...

Inner Strength

When your core is strong, you’ll feel easier in your poses and more capable in your life This sequence by Sarana Miller, a yoga teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area and a student of Ana Forrest, taps into your core, the literal and symbolic center of power. But this isn’t ...