Half Frog Pose (Ardha Bhekasana): Step by Step

Half Frog pose is more than a backbend; it opens the shoulders, chest, and thighs all at once. BY YJ EDITORS Half Frog Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions Step 1 Lie on your belly. Press your forearms against the floor and lift your head and upper torso. Step 2 Bend your right knee and bring the heel toward ...

Break Bad Habits Patanjali’s Way

Self-reflection is the first step in breaking patterns and tendencies that no longer serve you. BY KATE HOLCOMBE Samskara saksat karanat purvajati jnanam Through sustained focus and meditation on our patterns, habits, and conditioning, we gain knowledge and understanding of our past and of how we can change the patterns that aren't serving ...

Gate Pose (Parighasana): Step by Step

Extend some love to your often neglected side body in Parighasana or Gate Pose. By YJ EDITORS (par-ee-GOSS-anna) parigha = an iron bar or beam used for locking or shutting a gate The pose described immediately below is a simplified variation of the full pose. Then we describe the full pose afterward. Gate Pose: Step-by-Step ...

Garland Pose (Malasana): Step by Step

The garland pose stretches the ankles, groins, and back. If your heels don't reach the floor, rest them on a folded blanket. BY YJ EDITORS Garland Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions Step 1 Squat with your feet as close together as possible. (Keep your heels on the floor if you can; otherwise, support them on a ...

Four-Limbed Staff Pose: Step by Step

Chaturanga Dandasana Learn four-limbed staff pose because it is frequently practiced as part of the traditional Sun Salutation sequence. Paul Miller (chaht-tour-ANG-ah don-DAHS-anna) chaturanga = four limbs (chatur = four anga = limb) danda = staff (refers to the spine, the central "staff" or support of the body) Four-Limbed Staff Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions Step 1 Perform Adho Mukha Svanasana, then Plank Pose. Firm your shoulder ...

Understanding the Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus)

Discover the physical and mental signs of blocked energy in pit of your stomach and how you may benefit from aligning it. By Stephanie Snyder The third chakra, called manipura, is located at the navel. “Manipura” means lustrous gem of the city. 3rd Chakra’s Natural Element: Fire Manipura is associated with the natural element fire ...

10 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Yoga Practice

Yoga Journal influencer and expert yoga teacher Laura Burkhart pens down 10 questions for every yoga practitioner. Meet Laura in Singapore on April 29 and discuss your answers, and also get fine tips about arm balancing poses. 1. Does your practice balance the rest of your life? If you are already performing high-intensity activities ...

The Beginner’s Guide to Common Mantras

Searching for a meaningful mantra to use in your practice? Here are four powerful pieces to get you started. By Eldad Carin/Stocksy, Yelena Moroz Alpert 1. The mantra: Om Pronunciation: a-u-m Translation: The primordial sacred sound Why chant it: Om is said to be the first sound heard at the creation of the universe. When each syllable is pronounced ...

Sukhasana (easy sitting pose): Instructions

Don't let the name fool you. If you're used to sitting on chairs all your life, Easy Pose or Sukhasana can be quite challenging. By David Martinez Easy Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions Step 1 Fold a thick blanket or two into a firm support about six inches high. Sit close to one edge of this ...