Anjali Mudra /Prayer Seal

Anjali means “offering”, and in India this mudra or seal is often accompanied by the word “namaste” or “namaskar”. It is a sacred hello that is often translated as “I bow to the divinity within you from the divinity within me”. This salutation is at the essence of the yogic practice ...

Just add water

Yogis have taken to adding modern “extras”—from aerial silks to free weights—to the ancient practice. Yet the latest trend, practicing yoga and meditation in water, brings us back to basics and offers a slew of benefits, says Kat Tudor, co-owner of SunWater Spa, a new yoga studio and watertherapy spa ...

The sound of silence

Silence, it’s a deceptively simple word, yet such a profound concept. You could call it coincidence but I prefer synchronicity. As I started writing this article, a rare blackout occurred in the middle of the night. The silence was immediate—no electricity, no humming, just stillness. A voice within urged me to ...

Dr. Lim Hwee Yong

Senior Oncologist at the Novena Cancer Center Mount Elizabeth hospital, does yoga five times a week and says it helps him stay centered I lived in Salt Lake City for a few years and enjoyed hiking and skiing. I also completed a few marathons while in the United States. When I ...

Hood Talk: Yoga cuts side effects of cancer

A study done on improving quality of life in cancer patients shows yoga leads to decreased stress, reduced side effects, increased natural killer cell counts and increased pain threshold. Another study on the effect of yoga therapy for metastatic breast cancer patients and DNA repair mechanism showed significant decrease in anxiety, ...

Hood Talk: Good source of Omega 3 for vegans

What’s a good source of omega-3s for yogis who don’t eat meat or fish? Hemp Seeds! One serving of this complete protein has an array of essential fatty acids, including omega-3s, in addition to fiber and several minerals. Plus, hemp seeds don’t contain carbs, which vegetarians and vegans tend to overdo. Sprinkle ...

4 Ways to Take Down Your Inner Critic

You know that little voice that pipes up to tell you that you’re not enough? Well, here’s how to silence it—for good.     In the darkest recesses of your brain lives the ankle grabber of the mind. It’s your inner critic—the tiny voice that pipes up to plant a seed of self-doubt. ...

The Upside of Doing Nothing

There’s something about the new year that inspires a go-go-go attitude in most of us. But if the urge to take a break and hibernate strikes, give in, says Stephanie Brown, PhD. Turns out, there are some big benefits.   "In our society today, doing nothing is often associated with being lazy ...

Guard Your Heart

Here's how yoga not only opens your heart, but also protects your ticker in the long run.   Yogis know the poses that "open" the heart, but did you know that regular practice can also help protect your ticker over the long term? 1. Love how you feel after class? That's your stress ...