Be part of something bigger

Meditation can help us get in touch with the universal life force that connects us all Within each of us is unchanging equanimity, peace, joy, and stillness, no matter what is happening in our lives. It’s just that sometimes tapping into these feelings seems impossible. This is where meditation can help. ...

Buddha, them all

Written with eternal gratitude to doctors, nurses & care givers NHS nurse staff, Photo by Luke Jones on Unsplash By Madan Menon Nobility defined in an upturned world Latent and poor causes so clearly unfurled Revealed in this forest of untold sadness With grace they ride saviours of the hapless. Nurturing a fallen warrior a consoled word of healing Gentle too inspired and ...

5 reasons why men must meditate

By making meditation a part of their life, men can create external prosperity as well as inner peace. With society placing high expectations of success and prosperity on them, men often undergo extreme stress as they play out the roles of leaders and bread winners. By Vikas Malkani From a young age, men ...

6 Simple Ways to Clear Negative Energy

Whether you feel bad juju coming from someone else or lingering in a space, try one of these tactics to clear negative energy and call in more light.  Every day we come into contact with energy that can greatly influence our mood and well-being. From burning sage to spritzing salt water, these ...

Q+A: How Can I Heal Myself With Meditation?

The following meditation, when done regularly, brings self-esteem, self-love, and self-healing into the body. You can do it sitting down, but I suggest lying down with some support under your spine, such as a folded blanket or a bolster. I find that the heart can heal easier when it feels ...

Cultivate a Metta Mind: Loving-kindness Meditation

Loving-kindness meditation (metta) challenges us to send love and compassion to the difficult people in our lives, including ourselves. (Scroll down if you want to learn how to do the metta meditation) By Sylvia Boorstein Loving-kindness, listed ninth in the traditional list of the 10 Perfections of the Heart (also known as the ...

The Free Life-Changing Health Trick

Daily meditation is one of the smartest thing you can do to promote your own wellness. Here are 3 tips to get started. Daily meditation may be the smartest thing you can do to promote wellness, a new study led by Harvard Medical School psychologist John Denninger, indicates. Scientists already understood that meditation reduces stress ...