A spice twice as nice

If your go-to cooking spices don’t include saffron, new research suggests it’s time to add it to your regular recipe rotation. This vibrantly colored, earthy-tasting spice might be more effective than anti-inflammatory medication at preventing muscle weakness and pain after an intense workout, according to a recent study in the ...

You are the author of your own life-story!

Meditation is a mind-set and a way of life, not just a technique or a practice. This ancient, scientific, nonreligious process gives you wisdom to train your mind to be positive, peaceful and powerful. There are three key aspects of meditation—understanding, training and mastering the mind. This is because the ...

Kavita Chandran – Yoga Teacher & Journalist

Kavita Chandran is a yoga teacher and international journalist based in Singapore. When she's not at her desk writing corporate stories or wellness features, she can be founding stretching or meditating on a mat. Kavita is a certified yoga teacher who did her Teacher Training at IndeaYoga in Mysore under the ...

A sequence to help you balance effort & surrender

We all feel better  after taking a yoga class, yet finding inspiration on the mat when practicing alone can be more difficult. Cultivating a home practice certainly requires commitment, but it also requires softness— a quality that urges us to let go of our physical, mental, and emotional attachment, whether ...

The Relaxation Reset at the Rising Collective

A journey into stillness to find clarity and purpose As I sat on the plane  heading to Bali from Singapore, attempting to read a book on mindfulness, ironically my mind whirred with a million thoughts, making it impossible too concentrate. Anxious and run down, I wanted to get back to a ...

Yogi healing at home

Don’t let common aches and pains keep you off your mat or ruin your practice. Recover faster with these 20 expert-recommended natural fixes No one wants to run to the doctor for every ache, cramp,or cough.Indeed, 75 percent of respondents in a Yoga Journal online survey said they always try a ...

Erika Khoo

At 64, she’s one of Singapore’s longest-serving yoga teachers who connects yoga with her heart I started yoga in 1970. I needed to exercise because of my secretarial work. Ever since I started, yoga had me wanting to keep learning more and more. Yoga gives me strength and vitality in my ...

Anjali Mudra /Prayer Seal

Anjali means “offering”, and in India this mudra or seal is often accompanied by the word “namaste” or “namaskar”. It is a sacred hello that is often translated as “I bow to the divinity within you from the divinity within me”. This salutation is at the essence of the yogic practice ...

Bounce back after baby: A home yoga sequence

Reconnect with your body with this sequence made just for new mothers. After giving birth to a child, you may be eager to get to your mat. But you are likely to discover that pregnancy and childbirth have weakened your abdominal muscles, and they need reconditioning. The sequence below has been ...

How to move from Utkatasana to Garudasana

Utkatasana Benefits Strengthens the muscles in your thighs and feet; increases ankle mobility; tones your core muscles. Instruction 1) Stand with your feet together, hands on your hips. To create the stable platform needed for this deep squat, find the center of balance in each foot. Play with shifting your weight between the inner ...

A healing Sequence to ease neck and shoulder pain

Modern technology offers countless benefits—it’s an ever-growing source of information and inspiration; it keeps us easily connected to our loved ones. But the fact remains, many of us spend hours sitting in front of our computers and hunched over our mobile phones and tablets, and the repetitive movement patterns these ...

Body of knowledge

Relieve hard-to-release back tension by unlocking your QL muscles. Ever noticed a lingering ache deep in your low back after prolonged sitting or standing? When your back muscles are weak or you have poor posture, intrinsic rectangular muscles between your ribs and hips called the quadratus lumborums, or QLs, work overtime ...