Team Yogahood

Is Headstand safe? What the research says

Looking at the biomechanics of this inversion can teach us how to mitigate injury. Photo Credits: Rick Cummings, Model: Robyn Capobianco Often referred to as the King of yoga postures, Sirsasana I (Headstand) can be a refreshing and energizing inversion that, when practiced consistently, builds strength in the upper body and ...

Embodying the Yoga Sutra

yogah citta vritti nirodhah I am in yoga when I balance the fluctuations of my mind (Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras 1.2) By Subba Vaidyanathan  Yoga: A state of union (achieved through) Nirodhah: Restoring to a state of balance (the) Vrittis: Fluctuations (of the) Citta: Mind Explained by Subba Vaidyanathan We can achieve a Yogic state of oneness when the fluctuations ...

The Call of the Wild

Pack your bags. We are going to Tanzania!” proclaimed my partner with great excitement from across the hallway. Even though I would consider myself to be an avid globetrotting photographer who has travelled across continents seeking out exotic new corners of the world to explore and capture, I have to ...

Ashtanga Part 8: Samadhi, the Eight limb of yoga

The ultimate goal of yoga is to realize Samadhi (bliss or Nirvana). Absolute freedom from all worries, doubts, attachments and sufferings brings bliss. Sheriann Melwani  This is the last part in a series of eight articles about what "Ashtanga" really means, as derived from Patanjali’s ancient text of wisdom called the Yoga ...

Book Review: The Heartfulness Way

By Kamlesh D.Patel & Joshua Pollock There have been many books written about how to meditate, where to meditate and why to meditate. But none have been a conversation where the essence of spiritual transformation is captured through a dialogue between a guru and his disciple. The Heartfulness Way, a ...

#MeToo in the Yoga Studio

Prominent Yoga Teachers share personal stories of sexual abuse. Whether you’ve been personally affected or simply want to do what you can to help, here’s a place to start. By Yoga Journal Staff This article was published in 2018. Mary Taylor ( Ashtanga Yoga Teacher and Former co-owner of the Yoga Workshop) In light of  ...

Teacher Spotlight- Sherri Melwani

As a clinical psychotherapist from New York, Sherri is naturally drawn to mind and body wellness practices and enjoys assisting others in their own process of self-reflection. She’s a disciple of Sri Dharma Mittra, who has been her guru since 2011. His teachings inspire her to share the importance of ...

Treat yourself to a Scone

Yoga teacher Noah Mazé, founder of Yogamazé yoga school in Los Angeles, shares his favorite scone recipe. Cream Scones with Lemon Curd (Makes 24) “I love these scones along with a cup of tea or coffee for brunch. They have a crumbly, melt-in-your-mouth texture, and the lemon curd adds just the right ...

How to go with the flow

If we can relax our habitual thoughts, we begin to get familiar with the flow of our own experience. We can start to look inside ourselves for growth.  By Cyndi Lee Wish you were better able to accept hot and cold, noisy and silent, joy and sorrow? Cyndi Lee shows us how.  On ...

Ashtanga Part 7: Dhyana, the seventh limb of yoga

When the mind experiences uninterrupted focus and merges with the object of meditation, it experiences peace. Dhyana, or prolonged focus or simply put, meditation, is a state of being, rather than something that you “do”. Sherri Melwani. Photo by Luke Elijah This is the seventh part in a series of eight ...

Reflection of Moments Gone By

I learned to play piano at 41. I worked my fingers long enough that the uncanny dimension of being played appeared briefly: In those moments, beyond all logic, my hands started to behave more quickly than my mind, which was trying to read the notes and position my fingers. My ...