Hood Talk: Yoga cuts side effects of cancer
A study done on improving quality of life in cancer patients shows yoga leads to decreased stress, reduced side effects, increased natural killer cell counts and increased pain threshold.
Another study on the effect of yoga therapy for metastatic breast cancer patients and DNA repair mechanism showed significant decrease in anxiety, ...
Hood Talk: Why does my back hurt when I sit straight?
The pain in your back may be caused by tension from tight muscles pulling on your spine. Properly aligning your spine is the best way to decrease this tension. Sit on a block or cushion with your hips higher than your knees. Rather than “straightening” your back, sit with your ...
Hood Talk: Good source of Omega 3 for vegans
What’s a good source of omega-3s for yogis who don’t eat meat or fish?
Hemp Seeds!
One serving of this complete protein has an array of essential fatty acids, including omega-3s, in addition to fiber and several minerals. Plus, hemp seeds don’t contain carbs, which vegetarians and vegans tend to overdo. Sprinkle ...