What Your Asana Practice Can Tell You About Your Life

by Team Yogahood

YJ Influencer and psychologist Lauren Taus suggests looking to your practice to identify personalized goals that are also applicable to the rest of life.

However you usually prepare (or don’t) for January first, there is an energy of renewal in the air that you can leverage into authentic empowerment and purpose. While you likely have a great deal of clarity around the personal spaces and places that require refinement or improvement in your life, you may not realize that your asana practice is full of hidden direction and deep wisdom. While I realize that no body is the same, in more than a decade of teaching yoga, I have noticed some general movement types. And as a clinical therapist, I’ve also noticed that they tend to correlate with certain personalities. Read on to see if you identify with one or more of them below and which simple changes to your patterns might open up more joy and fullness in your life.