A spice twice as nice

by Team Yogahood

If your go-to cooking spices don’t include saffron, new research suggests it’s time to add it to your regular recipe rotation. This vibrantly colored, earthy-tasting spice might be more effective than anti-inflammatory medication at preventing muscle weakness and pain after an intense workout, according to a recent study in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. That’s because it’s loaded with all-natural antioxidants, which clean up damaging free radicals and reduce inflammation as a result, says Michelle Dudash, RD, a chef and nutritionist based in Scottsdale, Arizona. “The study found that just 0.3 grams does the trick; a pinch of saffron is about 0.5 grams,” says Dudash. Incorporate saffron into soups, stews, and rice dishes like risotto, paella, and pilafs.

Written by Celia Shatzman
This article was first published int he print edition of Yoga Journal Singapore, which is now Yogahood online.