5 Ways to Turn a Mental Breakdown into a Spiritual Breakthrough

by Team Yogahood

YJ Influencer Hemalayaa Behl shares how you can harness the most intense mental and emotional energy to raise your vibrations.



Life happens! It always will. You get fired, betrayed, heartbroken. A loved one dies. When your system is overwhelmed with agony, you can rise above the mud. Whatever your breaking point, your deepest point of depression, let it take you where it really wants you to go—UP! Rise up and reach up for the hand of the unseen, unknown support that is right there, waiting for you.

Open Up to What Intense Emotions Offer

My experiences with deep grief and loss have brought me closer to my spiritual connection. These mental and emotional breakdowns were blessings in disguise. Of course, seeing that in the moment is the hard part. But maybe we’re not meant to see it. It’s meant to be felt, expressed, and released. During those times, I surrender again and again to the spiritual connection that is available to us all.

Have you had a taste of that nectar? When life flows and you are feeling soft, yet strong, and connected to all? When you feel you’ve arrived home? That’s how I experience it. If your put your “opportunity glasses” on to see through the plethora of emotions, you will see that we are each gifted with a great amount of divine energy. How you choose to move this energy will aid in your healing process.

Tap into the wisdom and magic of your inner child, the 6-year-old who hasn’t let go of magic and wisdom. That child knows how to get through a breakdown and return to joy and connection again. Channeling your inner child is soul work that reconnects you to your capacity for wonder, joy, innocence, sensitivity, and playfulness.

Your inner child has no filter and knows you need to release emotions instead of hold onto them. Knowing this and putting it into practice brings your closer to your spiritual connection. Trust your inner child’s wisdom, in fact, let her be in charge. Let yourself have that breakdown, knowing there is a breakthrough around the corner. Here are five ways to engage and use the energy of your breakdown to arrive closer to that divine connection that is waiting for you on the other side.

5 Ways to Turn a Breakdown Into a Spiritual Breakthrough

  1. Embrace the life-changing magic of purging!
    Mentally and physically let go of what does not serve you. Purge the feelings, the bad habits, self-limiting beliefs, even the clutter of your home and the people in your life who are not supportive. Create a safe and sacred space to cry—let it out and let it go. I am an encourager of tantrums and screaming out the pain (in a safe environment, of course). Open up the physical and mental space and watch new gifts and supportive people magically appear. Don’t worry about how long you’ve been friends with Becky with the good hair and bad attitude. Another friend is coming along who will lift you up, as you her.
  2. Get physical!
    Reconnect with your physical body. Walking, hiking, yoga asana, martial arts, jumping on a trampoline, or dancing! Choreograph your life away from isolation, let movement be your saving grace. Depression is stagnation, and the counter-pose is movement.
  3. Find a guide.
    Seek the guidance you may have been avoiding or putting off. A life coach, a mentor, a teacher could be what helps you reconnect. Women, let’s face it, we are talkers, and we can release by communicating and talking it out. Utilize this new energy to focus of your spiritual center.
  4. Tap into your creativity.
    Painting, writing, dancing, playing…embrace your innovative side. Not your thing? Try creating a group online or joining a community group and helping create the program and events. Seek ways to be inspired, to be creative, and to broaden your innate talents. When you tap into inspiration, you tap into your own divinity.
  5. Be gentle with yourself and practice self-care.
    Self-care is a pathway to raising your vibration. Nurture and soothe yourself with baths, walks, tickles, and, of course, lovemaking—with or without a partner. Play with pleasure. Sensual dance, self-massage, touching your erogenous zones for a quick tickle, smelling and anointing yourself with essential oils, feather on the face will—these are all ways to invigorate your senses and perk you up.

Hemalayaa empowers thousands of people internationally with her unique blend of traditional and modern lifestyle programs, workshops, and videos. She stars in numerous DVDs. She also hosts her own TV show, “BollyBlast”, bringing fitness to a whole new level of fun, including dance, yoga, and affirmation-based movement. She provides her students tools to experience a balanced state of being, true self-acceptance, and a passion for life. Her specialty is supporting women in their full potential to embody their delicious dream life. Behl trained with Shiva Rea, Atma Yoga, Lulu Bandhs in Ojai, California, and various others.